Editor+ 1.00

January 09, 1997


About Editor+
Next Version

About Editor+

Editor+ is a text editor for OS/2 Presentation Manager. I wrote it especially for programmers who need a fast editor with powerful functionality and which is easy to configure. The editor is only designed for text files, do not load other files ! Each line can have a length of maximum 255 chars and you can set cursor on every possible position in a line. Many functions are multithreaded: for example reading a file uses two threads and saving/searching/drop and other funtions run in a separate thread. Actually there is no online help available, but it shouldn't be a problem to use Editor+.
This version is freeware, that means that you can give this program to other persons if you don't change this documentation, the program code and the zip file. It is not allowed to sell this program without my permission. If you want to distribute this program on a CD please let me know.
You use this program at your own risk! I only garantie that this program uses space on your harddisk or on another media! All rights are reserved.


You only have to unzip the file EDP100.ZIP. After unzipping you can start EDITOR.EXE. The program runs under OS/2 Warp 3/4 and should work with OS/2 2.11 too. If you have any problems with it, please let me know.



Editor+ 1.00 program file


This file (Documentation)


Description for BBS



Ctrl-Left            Word left
Ctrl-Right           Word right
Ctrl-Home            Window top
Ctrl-End             Window bottom
Ctrl-Page up         Text start
Ctrl-Page down       Text end
Ctrl-Insert          Copy
Ctrl-Up              Next font
Ctrl-Down            Previous font
Ctrl-Enter           Popup menu
Ctrl-A               Word left
Ctrl-F               Word right
Ctrl-W               Pos down
Ctrl-Z               Pos up
Ctrl-N               Insert line
Ctrl-Y               Delete line
Ctrl-T               Delete right word
Ctrl-R               Refresh
Ctrl-L               Search again
Ctrl-D               Default options
Ctrl-Q-P             Old cursor position
Ctrl-Q-Y             Delete line end
Ctr-Q-F              Find
Ctrl-Q-A             Find and replace
Ctrl-Q-O             Options
Ctrl-K-R             Read block
Ctrl-K-W             Write block
Ctrl-K-H             Remove selection
Ctrl-K-B             Begin selection
Ctrl-K-Y             End selection
Ctrl-K-C             Charset
Ctrl-K-U             Uppercase selection
Ctrl-K-L             Lowercase selection
Alt-Backspace        Undo
Alt-Shift-Backspace  Redo
Shift-Delete         Cut
Shift-Insert         Paste
Left                 Left
Right                Left
Up                   Up
Down                 Down
End                  End
Home                 Home
Page down            Page down
Page up              Page up
Shift-Left           Mark left
Shift-Right          Mark right
Shift-Up             Mark up
Shift-Down           Mark down
Shift-End            Mark end
Shift-Home           Mark home
Shift-Page down      Mark page down
Shift-Page up        Mark page up
Enter                New line
Backspace            Backspace
Insert               Change insert mode
Delete               Delete
Tab                  Tabulator
F3                   Search again


Next Version

If you have more ideas or wishes, please let me know them.
I can't and don't want to garantie that I will add this things to Editor+ in future.


Please visit my home page. You can download there the newest version, updates and some other programs. The newest version will be available on Hobbes too.

If you like Editor+ and you want to support my work then you can send me a postcard, some money or a licence of your program if you are an OS/2 developer too.
My address:
Christoph Bratschi
Felsenweg 16
CH-4123 Allschwil

E-Mail: cbratschi@datacomm.ch
FidoNet: 2:301/212.27
Homepage: http://www.datacomm.ch/~cbratschi/

Christoph Bratschi's Homepage
© 1996/97 Christoph Bratschi