Editor+ 1.01 beta 2

Please read BETA.TXT

This documentation is under construction!

Editor+ 1.01

May 17, 1997


1. About Editor+

2. License
3. Installation
4. Files
5. Features
6. Hotkeys
7. Documentation
8. Future
9. Updates

10. Address

1. About Editor+

Editor+ is a text editor for OS/2 Presentation Manager. But it isn't just another editor, it is extended for programmers and optimized to offer a fast speed and powerful functions. There are many options with help of them you can configure it for your need s. Actually each line can have a length of maximum 255 chars. You can set the cursor at every possible position in a line. Many functions are multithreaded: e. g. reading a file uses two threads and saving/searching/drop and other functions run in a separ a te thread.

Have a look at it and you will see how powerful Editor+ is.

2. License

This version of Editor+ is freeware, that means that you can give this program to other persons if you don't change this documentation, the program code and the zip file. It is not allowed to sell this program without my permission. If you want to distribu te this program on a CD or on another digital media please let me know.
You use this program at your own risk! I only guarantee that this program uses space on your harddisk or on another media! All rights are reserved.

If you like Editor+ and you want to support my work then you can send me a postcard, some money or a license of your program if you are an OS/2 developer too.

3. Installation

You only have to unzip the file EDP101.ZIP. After unzipping you can start EDITOR.EXE. The program runs under OS/2 Warp 3/4. But it is optimized for Merlin (Warp 4). If you have any problems with it, please write an e-mail.

4. Files


Editor+ 1.01 program file


This documentation file


Description for a BBS

5. Features

Version 1.01

Version 1.00

6. Hotkeys


Ctrl-Left            Word left
Ctrl-Right           Word right
Ctrl-Home            Window top
Ctrl-End             Window bottom
Ctrl-Page up         Text start
Ctrl-Page down       Text end
Ctrl-Insert          Copy
Ctrl-Up              Next font
Ctrl-Down            Previous font
Ctrl-Enter           Popup menu
Ctrl-Delete          Delete block
Ctrl-A               Word left
Ctrl-F               Word right
Ctrl-W               Pos down
Ctrl-Z               Pos up
Ctrl-N               Insert line
Ctrl-Y               Delete line
Ctrl-T               Delete right word
Ctrl-R               Refresh
Ctrl-L               Search again
Ctrl-D               Default options
Ctrl-G               Delete
Ctrl-V               Insert
Ctrl-Q,P             Old cursor position
Ctrl-Q,Y             Delete line end
Ctrl-Q,F             Find
Ctrl-Q,A             Find and replace
Ctrl-Q,O             Options
Ctrl-Q,I             Move block to the right
Ctrl-Q,U             Move block to the left
Ctrl-K,R             Read block
Ctrl-K,W             Write block
Ctrl-K,H             Remove selection
Ctrl-K,B             Begin selection
Ctrl-K,Y             End selection
Ctrl-K,C             Charset
Ctrl-K,U             Uppercase selection
Ctrl-K,L             Lowercase selection
Ctrl-K,I             Move block to the right
Ctrl-K,U             Move block to the left


Alt-Backspace        Undo

Alternate and Shift:

Alt-Shift-Backspace  Redo


Shift-Delete         Cut
Shift-Insert         Paste

Shift and Control:

Shift-Ctrl-I         Move block to the right
Shift-Ctrl-U         Move block to the left
Shift-Ctrl-R         Read block
Shift-Ctrl-W         Write block
Shift-Ctrl-Y         Delete end of line
Shift-Ctrl-P         Old cursor position
Shift-Ctrl-F         Find
Shift-Ctrl-A         Find and replace
Shift-Ctrl-O         Options
Shift-Ctrl-H         Remove selection
Shift-Ctrl-B         Begin selection
Shift-Ctrl-K         End selection
Shift-Ctrl-X         Delete selection
Shift-Ctrl-C         Charset
Shift-Ctrl-D         Uppercase selection
Shift-Ctrl-L         Lowercase selection


Left                 Left
Right                Left
Up                   Up
Down                 Down
End                  End
Home                 Home
Page down            Page down
Page up              Page up
Shift-Left           Mark left
Shift-Right          Mark right
Shift-Up             Mark up
Shift-Down           Mark down
Shift-End            Mark end
Shift-Home           Mark home
Shift-Page down      Mark page down
Shift-Page up        Mark page up
Enter                New line
Backspace            Backspace
Insert               Change insert mode
Delete               Delete
Tab                  Tabulator
F3                   Search again

7. Documentation

Here are only the commands listed which have special extensions or you must know the background information to use it the right way.

Enhanced menu commands:


If you hold down the shift key and you activate this options the editor options won't be saved.

File/Last opened files

You can open a directory if you push the shift key.


You can change the settings of a tool directly if you hold down the shift key.

Option dialog:



This option doesn't the change the priority of the main window! With it you can only change the priority of secondary threads. If you think that these thread need to much processor time you can set the priority to a lower level.

Resource DLL

This is reserved for a later version. With this entry field it is possible to change the language of all resources with help of an external DLL.

Editor (Page 1)

I/O Buffer

If you ofthe use files which are bigger than the I/O buffer then you should use a bigger I/O buffer. But on the other side if the I/O buffer is to large then the background threads won't have an effect. Try it with several sizes and you will see which is t he best.


If you want to save memory then switch off the undo/redo funtionality or set the undo/redo steps to a low number. View also the info tab, there you can see how much memory these buffers use.



If you want to use an extended parameter you must use the sign % and one of the following parameter in this list. If you need the sign % as a normal paramter you must use it twice.



run %file

run %%file

run %%%file


run d:\config.sys

run %file

run %d:\config.sys




The complete name of the opened file is insert at this position. If there's no file opened nothing will be insert.


The drive letter (A,B,C,D, ...).


The path of the opened file.


Only the name of the opened file (e.g. config).


Only the extension of the opened file (sys).


The cursors horizontal position in the text.


The cursors vertical position in the text.



The number of lines.


The first position in the left top corner (x-coordinate).


The first position in the left top corner (y-coordinate).


Number of visible chars in a line.


Number of visible lines.


The height of a char in pixels.


The width of a char in pixels.


The window handle of the main window (decimal).


The window handle of the client window.


The window handle of the statusbar.


The window handle of the toolbar.



Replace FILE through a valid file name and the text in the editor will be saved in this file. But the name of the active file won't be changed. This command is useful for creating a temporary file which can be used by an external program.



This command opens a messagebox withe the caption CAPTION the information INFO and the DEFAULTTEXT. You can only edit the DEFAULTTEXT in the messagebox. If the ok button is pushed this text will be insert. If the cancel button is pushed nothing will be ins ert.


The %PLUGINDLL is the most powerful command: it calls an external function in a DLL. This function has access to a huge interface to control Editor+ functions. This interface can also be used by DDE.


Start default plug-in in DLL DLLName


Start FunctionName in DLL DLLName


Start Function with the ordinal number FunctionNr in DLL DLLName

Please read EPPLUGIN.PAS for further information.



You can use for each tool a hotkey to start it fastly by keyboard.

File specific

This tool is only displayed in the tools menu if these wildcards or this file name matches with the open file.

Environment vars:


Configuration file

set editorpluscfg=e:\editorp\editor.cfg


If a parameter has no path then the file in this directory will be opened.

set editorplusdir=e:\editorp\


A plug-in DLL will be searched first in this directory, then in the program directory and after that in the libpath.

Set editorplusplugindir=e:\editorp\plugins\


Resource DLL

set editorplusresdll=e:\editorp\edpger.dll


You can start Editor+ with a file name as parameter.


If you have problems with Editor+ then delete the configuration file (EDITOR.CFG) after you have quit the program. If Editor+ won't run correctly please send my an e-mail with a detailed bug report.

8. Next Version

If you have more ideas or wishes, please let me know them.
I can't and don't want to guarantee that I will add this things to Editor+ in future.

9. Updates

Please visit my home page. You can download there the newest version, updates and some other programs. The newest version will be available on Hobbes too.

My address:
Christoph Bratschi
Felsenweg 16
CH-4123 Allschwil

E-Mail: cbratschi@datacomm.ch
FidoNet: 2:301/212.27
Homepage: http://www.datacomm.ch/~cbratschi/

Christoph Bratschi's Homepage
© 1996/97 Christoph Bratschi